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Musicians' Discussions

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:26 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:50 am
Posts: 4
StressPoints is a ‘not for profit’ self-help forum designed to help musicians deal with disruption to a performing career whether through injury, anxiety, retirement or redundancy. StressPoints does not claim to offer a cure for career stress nor can it replace a face to face consultation with an experienced therapist. What StressPoints can offer is a first step towards taking proactive steps in order to cope with career stress. Understandably, musicians (and especially free-lance artists) are reluctant to talk openly about any form of impairment that they feel might damage their professional standing. Many feel a sense of isolation and lack of understanding which only compounds the problem. StressPoints provides a secure site for musicians to share their thoughts and experiences in complete anonymity. A small number of topics have been initiated on the site but it is hoped that individuals will expand on these by registering on the forum.

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